3VB’s Christopher Harris and Tariq Baloch named as “Future Leaders” in International Arbitration

The strength of 3VB’s arbitration practice was recognised by its members taking two of the five places as the “most highly regarded individuals” amongst the “outstanding members of the next generation” for UK barristers under the age of 45 identified by Who’s Who Legal’s latest research.  Christopher Harris received the highest ranking and was joined by Tariq Baloch in the list of young barristers “considered to be the future leaders of the international arbitration community”.

WWL’s analysis reveals that “Christopher Harris at 3 Verulam Buildings is ‘the most visible junior in arbitration; number one’. He is an ‘impressive orator’ with a ‘sharp mind and a fantastic profile.’ Alongside him, Tariq Baloch is an ‘excellent lawyer with stellar advocacy skills’”.

Read the Global Arbitration Review’s article on the survey here

and the WWL analysis here.

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