A very diverse set with some outstanding counsel.

Legal 500 (2022)

Equality & Diversity

3VB is committed to furthering equality of opportunity and diversity. We do not discriminate in any aspect of our business on grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origins, nationality or citizenship, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, age, disability, religion or belief, political persuasion, pregnancy, or maternity, or social or educational background.

Quite independent from any standards imposed by legislation or the Bar Standards Board, we believe that increasing diversity and inclusion makes good business sense. We know we achieve better outcomes when we have access to talent, perspectives, and experience from all walks of life.

Within Chambers, we have strived to ensure an inclusive workplace that reflects our values, supports the wellbeing of our staff and members, champions difference as a strength, and encourages everyone to deliver their best at work.

We have a detailed Equality and Diversity Policy, which is available to view here.

We are committed to assisting all members and staff to manage their family responsibilities alongside a rewarding career in Chambers. We have comprehensive maternity and paternity policies, which reflect our philosophy. For further information please see our Parental Leave Policy.

We are also committed to ensuring a work environment in which all individuals, clients and the public are treated with dignity and respect. For further information, please see Chambers’ Anti-Harassment Policy, Anti-Racism Statement and Chambers’ Internal Complaints Procedure.

We offer flexible working. Smarter working practices help us to become a more open and modern organisation. We want to foster a culture focused on outputs, not presenteeism. We know that that increases wellbeing of members and staff. Our Flexible Working Policy can be accessed here.

We believe disability should not be a barrier to success. 3VB is wheelchair-accessible and has conference rooms and accommodation available on the ground floor. Any reasonable adjustments will be considered for all disabled applicants, members, staff, or clients. For further information, please see Chambers’ Reasonable Adjustments Policy.

We are proud to be a diverse set of chambers. At present, representation at Chambers by minority groups is over 17%, which  is higher than the national average. However, we recognise that there is still progress to be made, particularly to enhance Black representation and inclusion at senior levels.

We will continue to collect data to find out where we are succeeding, where we are falling short, and how to achieve the outcomes that we want. Through studying this data, listening, and talking, we want to better understand how we can attract even more talented people from under-represented groups.

We keep our recruitment and performance management processes under review for disproportionate outcomes. We intervene where necessary. We regularly hold in-house equality and diversity training sessions for all members, pupils, and staff. It is a requirement that everyone at 3VB attends at least one E&D training course each calendar year.

3VB is committed to conducting its affairs in a manner which is does not unlawfully discriminate and is fair and equitable for all members of Chambers and pupils. This includes, but is not limited to, the fair distribution of work amongst pupils and members of Chambers. Details can be found in our Fair Access to Work Policy.

Beyond Chambers, we want to encourage more diversity at the Bar and help address structural problems that inhibit individuals from groups that are under-represented.

This is why we support and participate in organisations such as:

  • The Sutton Trust
  • Bridging The Bar
  • The Black Talent Charter
  • The Bar Council’s Women in Law Pledge

In 2020, together with five of our fellow commercial sets, we set up the Mentoring for Underrepresented Groups Scheme, which aims to mentor young people from under-represented groups in their path to pursue careers as barristers. For 2021 the scheme was expanded to 10 commercial sets. From 2022 it was operated through the Commercial Bar Association. We are delighted to be part of this Scheme.

We are also delighted to announce that we have committed to host an intern as part of the Bar’s collective participation in the #10000BlackInterns scheme.

For further information on the initiatives mentioned above promoting access to the legal profession and to the bar, please refer to our CSR Page.

We publish, as required by the Bar’s regulatory body, the Bar Standards Board, our diversity data relating to the barristers, pupils, and staff at 3VB.  The latest survey was carried out between June and September 2023 and the resultant data is available below.

Diversity Data

Winner: UK Bar Awards 2023
The Lawyer Awards 2022: Chambers of the Year