Christopher Harris KC and Stavros Brekoulakis appointed to ICC Court of Arbitration
On 1 July 2024, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) announced the new composition of its International Court of Arbitration for the 2024 to 2027 term.
First appointed in 2021, Christopher Harris KC has been reappointed as the UK Member of the Court for a second three-year term.
Stavros Brekoulakis has been newly appointed as a Vice-President of the Court, representing Greece.
Appointments are made by the ICC World Council, in accordance with the provisions set out in the ICC constitution and statutes of the ICC Court. Elections for the appointments were held on 11 June at the ICC headquarters in Paris.
Members of Chambers congratulate Christopher and Stavros on their significant appointments.
The full list of ICC Court Members can be seen here.