Sophia Dzwig receives high Distinction in the Institute of Art and Law’s 2021 Diploma in Art Profession Law and Ethics
Sophia Dzwig has received a high Distinction in the Institute of Art and Law’s 2021 Diploma in Art Profession Law and Ethics.
Sophia has a keen interest in art law originally arising from her degree in Modern and Medieval Languages, during which she studied Italian and Portuguese early modern/Renaissance and modern art.
The intensive course is for both art professionals and lawyers and deals with the specific legal risks and safeguards that underpin all art transactions. It covers topics relating to buying and selling, lending and borrowing, donating and accepting, disposing and giving away.
Members of chambers have been involved in several notable cases on the course curriculum, including Thomson v Christie Manson & Woods Ltd, Thwaytes v Sotheby’s and Accidia Foundation v Simon C Dickinson Ltd.
A number of 3VB members practise in Art & Cultural Property law. Please contact the Practice Managers with any enquiries.
Members of chambers warmly congratulate Sophia on this excellent achievement.