Debunking De-Banking – Rights and Remedies

Breakfast talk: Speaking on the intensively discussed topic of bank account closures, Saima Hanif KC, Tariq Baloch and Ravi Jackson will address legal considerations for banks when terminating relationships with customers.

Whilst recent high-profile events have brought the topic of bank account closures into the spotlight, it has been a long standing issue for the banking and FS sector. The Panel will discuss the legal and regulatory considerations that arise when banks seek to terminate their customer relationships. The speakers will examine a number of issues including potential causes of actions, the effectiveness of complaints to the regulator(s), and the remedies that may be available to aggrieved customers.

Date: 7th September 2023

Time: Registration 08:15 / Seminar 08:30 – 09:15am

Venue: 3 Verulam Buildings, Gray’s Inn, London, WC1R 5NT


(In-person and virtual places available)

Coffee and pastries will be served.

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