Lee C Buchheit joins 3VB’s IADRU

Lee C Buchheit, once described by the New York Times as the “philosopher-king of sovereign debt lawyers”, has joined 3VB as an Associate Member and as a member of our International Advisory & Dispute Resolution Unit (IADRU).  Mr Buchheit’s 43-year legal practice, from which he retired earlier in 2019,  focused on international and corporate transactions, including Eurocurrency financial transactions, sovereign debt management, privatization and project finance.  Over the course of his career, Mr. Buchheit has practised in Washington DC, London, New York and Hong Kong.  He has been involved in resolving almost every sovereign bankruptcy that has occurred in the last four decades, from Mexico and Russia in the 1980s and 1990s to Greece and Argentina more recently.

Mr Buchheit is currently engaged by the Interim Government of Venezuela, led by President Juan Guiadó, as a strategic advisor to assist in preparing for the restructuring of the country’s foreign debt, providing his services pro bono under the auspices of the 3VB IADRU.

Lee’s arrival comes only a few months after another prominent international finance lawyer, the former General Counsel of the IMF, Sean Hagan, joined 3VB’s IADRU.

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