Tchenguiz Trial Abandoned

Robert Tchenguiz and his family trusts sued Grant Thornton and two of its partners, among others, for about £1.5 billion in damages resulting from an alleged fraudulent conspiracy.  Adrian Beltrami QC, Anthony Pavlovich and other counsel, instructed by Simmons & Simmons, represented the Grant Thornton defendants over the course of three years until trial.

After opening submissions, and on the day when Mr Tchenguiz was due to give evidence, the claimants abandoned their entire claim and conceded that they would have to pay indemnity costs.  Mr Justice Knowles, in concluding remarks, said that every defendant left court with his reputation completely intact because in practice the allegations had completely failed.  He added that Mr Tchenguiz and the other claimants owe each defendant an apology.


Adrian Beltrami QC                              Anthony Pavlovich

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