Can Yeginsu to speak at UNESCO World Press Freedom Day Global Conference 2022
On 2-5 May 2022, UNESCO and the Republic of Uruguay will host the annual World Press Freedom Day Global Conference in a hybrid format in Punta Del Este, Uruguay. The Conference will address the digital era’s impact on freedom of expression, the safety of journalists, access to information and privacy and will develop concrete recommendations to address these challenges.
Can Yeginsu, Deputy Chair of the High Level Panel of Media Experts, will participate in a session on Tuesday 3rd May at 13:30 GMT which will address ‘Digital Authoritarianism and technology-facilitated threats to journalists and human rights defenders’.
The High Level Panel is an independent advisory board of the Media Freedom Coalition. The remit of the High level Panel is to provide legal advice an recommendations to the Coalition and its partners, including international organisations, for the purpose of promoting and protecting a free and independent media.
View the programme in full here: World Press Freedom Day 2022.