Hodge Malek KC co-authors 6th Edition of Disclosure and 1st Supplement of The 20th Edition of Phipson on Evidence
The Sixth Edition of Disclosure by Hodge Malek KC and Professor Paul Matthews was published on 19 December 2023.
Disclosure provides an authoritative and detailed analysis of the law relating to disclosure in civil proceedings in England and Wales. It also covers expert reports, depositions, witness statements, witness summonses, and letters of request for evidence to and from abroad.
The Sixth Edition brings the work up to date. In particular, it covers the important transition from the Disclosure Pilot Scheme to the new Practice Direction for the Business and Property Courts.
Click here to read more on the Supplement.
The 1st Supplement of The 20th Edition of Phipson on Evidence was also published on 19 December 2023.
Hodge Malek KC is the General Editor and Contributor of The 20th Edition of the Phipson on Evidence book. The First Supplement to the Twentieth Edition covers all the latest developments in the law of evidence since publication of the Twentieth Edition in December 2021. These include important decisions on admission of evidence, the standard of proof, the attendance of witnesses, good and bad character, legal professional privilege, hearsay, expert evidence, confessions, judicial discretion and many other evidential issues. The supplement also considers important decisions from the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal such as R. v Carlos Wright [2022] EWCA Crim 1722, and AIC Ltd v Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria [2022] UKSC 16 to name a few.
Other members of 3VB who were contributing authors to this text were Saima Hanif KC, Tariq Baloch, Yash Bheeroo and James Potts.
More on the publication can be found here.