Publication of Borderlines in Private Law
Oxford University Press has today published Borderlines in Private Law, edited by William Day of 3VB together with Julius Grower of University of Oxford. Borderlines in Private Law is a collection of essays in which some of the UK’s leading academic lawyers and senior judges discuss the borderlines and intersections covering five broad topics in private law – contract, tort, unjust enrichment, property, and equity. In addition to acting as editor, William also wrote the chapter on the borderline between contract and unjust enrichment. The full table of contents and contributor list can be seen on OUP’s website here.
The launch of the book is taking place tonight at Inner Temple, with a panel discussion with the editors and guest speakers Lord Sales (Justice of the UK Supreme Court) and Professor Sarah Worthington (Professor of Law at the LSE), who are both also authors of chapters in the book. For more information, contact