The 3VB Law Day
On Thursday 13 September 2018, 3VB hosted its 6th Annual Law Day attended by 30 Year 12 students from state schools all around the country. The programme of events comprised a range of short talks from Members of Chambers; “mini-moot” workshops run by Members of Chambers and a mini-moot; lunch in Gray’s Inn and a tour of the Inns and Courts.
3VB’s Matthew Hardwick QC has offered an introduction to the law at Eton College’s Summer School for state-school students for many years. However there is always a core of pupils who are very curious to know more about the legal profession and the Bar in particular. Moreover 3VB barristers Ian Higgins, Alexia Knight, Kate Holderness and James Potts each independently attended the Summer School as young students themselves. It was this constant level of interest that gave rise to this initiative to attempt to de-mystify the Bar, with the first 3VB Law Day held in September 2013.
This year the net was widened further: in addition to 10 pupils from the Summer Course (from a variety of different schools), the day was attended by 7 from the London Academy of Excellence, 6 from Holyport College; and 5 from the Windsor Boys’ School.
Thanks to the students’ interest and enthusiasm and the efforts of 3VB members, the day was a great success and we very much hope to see some of the students as applicants for pupillage in a few years’ time.
The full programme of the Law Day can be read here.