William Day publishes books on Commercial Law and Private International Law
William Day has today published Key Ideas in Commercial Law. The book unpacks the conceptual and historical themes and controversies that pervade commercial law, through five topics: trade, transacting, title, performance risk, and credit risk. The central thesis of the book is that commercial law primarily consists of a series of default rules that can be modified by agreement to manage risks that counterparties will not keep their contractual promises or will be unable to pay money owed when due.
Writing in the foreword, Mr Justice Foxton says:
“Students will find this work stimulating, engaging and enlightening. Practitioners in commercial law will find nuanced and insightful articulations of their stock-in-trade. William Day is to be congratulated on producing it, an achievement even more notable given his wide range of professional and academic commitments.”
Key Ideas in Commercial Law can be purchased here.
William Day also published last month a collection of essays edited with Professor Louise Merrett containing in-depth analyses of twenty two landmark cases in private international law, from Penn v Lord Baltimore in 1750 to Brownlie v FS Cairo (Nile Plaza) LLC in 2021. The focus is on landmark English judgments, but the collection also covers significant cases from Australia, Canada and Scotland. The book follows a conference held in Cambridge last year funded by Clifford Chance.
Contributors include experts from academia from universities including Cambridge, Oxford, the London School of Economics, University College London, Western and Griffith; barristers from Fountain Court, 3 Verulam Buildings, Essex Court, Twenty Essex and 2 Temple Gardens; and judges from the Commercial Court and the Chancery Division.
Landmark Cases in Private International Law can be purchased here. A joint launch event hosted by Fountain Court Chambers and 3 Verulam Buildings will take place on 5 July 2023. Please contact us at marketing@3vb.com should you wish to receive an invitation.